5 tips to get the most out of your Fit3D data platform
Wellness Glossary: Some terms on your online data platform may be unfamiliar to you. If you are unsure what a certain measurement means, please click on “wellness” in the header of your home page and then “wellness glossary” in the bottom right hand corner. Click here if you would like to view a pdf version of the Wellness Glossary. 
Know your numbers! Our number one aim is to assist you in achieving your health and fitness goals. Our director is a friendly guy. If you would like a FREE follow up call send him an email and he will call you peter@healthandfitnesstesting.nz
More more more Results: We only display the key results on your private data platform. If you would like to view a whole lot more including arm length, leg length, torso volume, shoulder width etc then you can download all these measurements into excel. Click on “Dashboard” and check out the “measurements and comparison” section on your data platform. Click on "download measurements" for a full list of all measurements.
Validate your scan: Have you validated your scan yet?  If you want to be able to compare your results over time, you MUST “Validate” your scan by clicking on the yellow “!”. This will be located next to your 3D online image. It takes less than 1 minute to validate your scan. If you have any issues doing this please email peter@healthandfitnesstesting.nz
Exciting times ahead: The real power of your personal Fit3D data platform will occur once you have at least one re-test. You will be able to put your 3D images side-by-side. Your main girth measurements (e.g. waist, hips etc) will be automatically graphed every time you are scanned. You will be able to print out complete comparison reports of any scan you have. 
If you have any questions, please email our company director peter@healthandfitnesstesting.nz