Below are some common questions we get asked about our products and services. If you cannot find the answer below, please contact us at admin@healthandfitnesstesting.nz and we will be happy to help.


How long will each test take?

Each testing package will take a different amount of time. As a rough guideline, a 1st Fit3d Body Scan will take 15 min, an Advanced Package 30 minutes + 15 min follow up consult, Goal Achiever 15 min + 30 min for the DEXA on a seperate day, The Works 30 min initially + 30 min DEXA and 20 min follow up consult. Please arrive at your test 5 minutes before you are due to begin. 

Is the Fit3D Body Composition Scanner Safe?  

Yes! The 3D cameras use the same technology as Microsoft Kinect, which has over 20 million users in the USA alone. It is even safe for those who are pregnant or who have artificial implants/joints.

When you stand on the scanner platform it will rotate very slowly. By the end of 2018 over 1,000,000 people had been tested on the scanner and there had been no reports of anyone falling off.

Do I need to take my clothes off in front of anyone to have a Fit3D scan performed?

No. For the most accurate scan results you will be encouraged to be scanned in your underwear however for your comfort our testing technician can leave the room during your scan.

Who will see my test results?

We take privacy seriously. Our online data platform is owned by Fit3D and your data is stored by them in USA. Using your private online login, your 3D images will only be seen by you. Your measurements (numbers) and the outline of your body will be seen by your testing technician. Your full name (no other details) will be listed on our client database. Health and Fitness Testing approved personal trainers, doctors, coaches, and gym owners will have access to this list. This allows them to request access to their members/clients results. If you accept someone’s request (via an email to you) to view your results they will have full access to them. If you are doing a gym challenge, a representative from that gym will likely view your results so they can find a challenge winner/set nutrition plans. Please contact admin@healthandfitnesstesting.nz if you would like to discuss this further.  

What skinfold test sites are taken and what will I need to wear when having a skinfold test?

To gain an accurate Body Fat % you will need to have your triceps, shoulder blade, stomach (2 places), thigh, and calf measured. To gain access to your shoulder blade and stomach, you will be required to take your top off. A sports bra/bra/bikini top can be left on. You will need to be in short shorts to gain access to your mid-thigh and calf. If you are under 18 years of age you must have a parent/guardian with you for skinfold testing.

Why would I want to have an ISAK skinfold test when I can get a Fit3D Body Fat %?

You may wish to have skinfolds taken if you have used this method a lot in the past. One advantage of skinfolds is that you can get the mm amount of fat at different parts of your body whereas Fit3d just gives an overall body fat %. 

How are my cholesterol and HbA1c (diabetes) levels tested?

Our mobile tests are 92-96% as accurate as lab-based tests. Both tests are performed via a finger prick. Each needle is brand new. You will feel a slight prick and a small drop of blood will be used to analyse your results. 

Your tests will be performed by our company director or trained practitioner. Sharps needle and medical waste bins are proivided to ensure safe disposal of equipment.

Who will see my blood test results?

If you invested in a Advanced or The Works Test Package your cholesterol, HbA1c (diabetes), and blood pressure results, as well as all of your results, will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your test. Upon request, we can forward these results to your GP, trainer, or coach.

How will my lung function be tested?

Your lungs will be tested using a Piko-6 device. It is a recommended mobile testing device by The Lung Foundation Australia. You will be seated for your test and be required to perform 3 maximal breathes in and out. Each breathe out will be for 6 seconds. You will receive readings of FEV1, FEV6, and FEV1/FEV6. This will help you identify lung conditions such as COPD.

How old do I need to be to be tested?

People of any age can purchase our Test Packages however if you are under the age of 18 you will be required to gain signed permission from a parent/guardian.